
Reconstruct SiMView Images Using BigSticher

by Eric Wait
Jul 6, 2021
data-and-analysis, microscopy
imagej, scripts, simview

Overview # There are four steps to this process. First is to create a dataset file that allows BigSticher to interpret the data. Second is to run a macro that will flip the opposing views, so they are roughly aligned. Third is to find the best parameters that register the views together. Forth is to register and export the reconstructed data. Inital Setup # First we must install ImageJ and the BigStitcher plugin. ...

Downloading OME Example Images

by Blair Rossetti
Apr 23, 2020
scripts, python

For a recent blog post, I needed to get my hands on some Imaris IMS files. Fortunately for me, the good folks over at OME have a nice repository of example images in a variety of formats. The OME Team use this data for testing the read/write functions in their Bio-Formats library. I was particularly interested in downloading all of their Imaris images, but it appeared the only way to get the entire dataset was to manually download each file. I can’t waste that much time downloading files!