
How Poor Photon Budget Can Ruin Your Experiments and Your AIC Proposal

by Teng-Leong Chew
May 27, 2019

A molecule will emit fluorescent light when its electron, falling from the excited state to the ground state, releases most of the energy that it absorbs during excitation. Upon returning to the ground state, the electron is ready to be excited again for another productive cycle. However, these cycles will not continue forever.

What You Should Know About Handling AIC Data

by Eric Wait and Teng-Leong Chew
Apr 24, 2019

With the recent advent of several microscopy technologies, especially light sheet microscopy, with which millions of voxels can be acquired in a matter of seconds, the era of big data of imaging has arrived. The challenges in handling AIC data can be categorized into three sections: (i) data transfer, (ii) data storage, and (iii) data computation for image analysis. In this post, we discuss each section and outline some things to consider.

Navigating Research Compliance

by Meghan Seltzer
Jan 7, 2016
preparation, samples

Understanding research compliance at Janelia when you’re not at Janelia is not always easy. But this blog post will help walk you through what to expect prior to arrival at the AIC and how we will help you prepare.

What Makes a Successful Proposal to the AIC?

by Teng-Leong Chew
Nov 20, 2014

One of the most common questions we receive at the AIC is: what exactly constitutes a strong proposal – what does the committee look for? In this blog post, we will explore what makes a proposal stand out favorably amongst its competitors in each review process, and what most of the successful investigators have done to get it right.