
Understanding the Imaris 5.5 File Format

by Blair Rossetti
Apr 16, 2020

In my previous post, I mentioned that the AIC is exploring alternative file formats for use in our processing and analysis pipelines. Our pre-commercial microscopes present a unique challenge in that they all produce different formats and structures of image data. The exact format of the output images depends on the acquisition mode of the microscope and the developer of the microscope’s control software. We are currently converting most of our images into sequences of KLB files.

Comparing Image File Formats

by Blair Rossetti
Mar 30, 2020

There has been a lot of talk about image file formats these days. The OME team wrote a blog about it, people on the forum are discussing it, and funding groups (e.g. CZI) are putting money behind it. The AIC is certainly no stranger to the difficulties of old, outdated, and obscure image file formats. We put a fair amount of coding and computing effort into re-saving images from one format to another.